苹果12和苹果12pro和苹果12promax之间的区别有哪些? - 知乎
Oct 30, 2021 · 苹果12Pro Max这款手机的尺寸为160.8x78.1x7.4mm,重量为226g。 【拍照能力差异】 苹果12这款手机采用后二前一的相机组合,后置摄像头参数为1200万像素广角镜头【七镜式镜头(广角)】+1200万像素广角镜头【五镜式镜头(广角)】,前置摄像头参数为1200万像素,支持2 …
Currently on iPhone 12 Pro Max. Upgrade to iPhone 16 Plus or wait?
Feb 6, 2016 · I am still quite satisfied with my iPhone 12 Pro Max, but I know that it's an old phone and, in the not-too-distant future, Apple will drop support for it. I wanted a bigger iPhone, and there was obviously no other option (i.e., the iPhone …
iPhone 13 Pro Max /w 12 Pro Max Case | MacRumors Forums
Sep 14, 2021 · They are the exact same dimensions except for the 13 Pro Max being 0.25 mm thicker. I would think the cases would fit. It's almost like the "first gen" iPad Pro's Magic Keyboard working with the 5th gen iPad Pro 12.9
iPhone 12 Pro highest Watt charger that an iPhone 12 will take ...
May 15, 2019 · Testing conducted by Apple in September 2020 using preproduction iPhone 12, iPhone 12 mini, iPhone 12 Pro, and iPhone 12 Pro Max units and software and accessory Apple USB-C Power Adapter (20W Model A2305). Fast-charge testing conducted with drained iPhone units. Charge time varies with environmental factors; actual results will vary. 2.
iPhone 12 Pro Max how’s the antenna signal/reception
Oct 14, 2019 · I'm coming from XS Max to 12 Pro Max on T-Mobile. I'm averaging about 1 bar higher throughout my house. Keep in mind that I'm going from LTE to 5G on T-Mobile so the different band for 5G could be helping with better signal. I was averaging 30 to 50 Mbps down and 20 Mbps up on LTE. Now 120 Mbps to 170 Mbps down and 30 Mbps up on 5G.
iPhone 15 plus v 12 pro max | MacRumors Forums
Feb 12, 2016 · I went from iPhone 12 Pro Max to iPhone 15 Plus and I actually love how it feels, so much that I use it without a case. The battery life is a great improvement and it does feel somewhat lighter. I don’t notice any speed improvements however, but that only speaks for how well the iPhone 12 PM is still doing today.
Best cinematic LUTs to use with iPhone? | MacRumors Forums
Dec 26, 2008 · Since I'm upgrading from 12 Pro Max to 16 Pro Max (primarily for photo and video reasons), I was wondering what everyone would say is the best LUT for cinematic color grading in DaVinci Resolve?
iPhone 12 Is screen burn in (image retention) really a thing?
May 14, 2021 · The 12 Pro Max is my first OLED iPhone, and I’m just curious. I mean, I know that it is a thing theoretically, but is this something that is inevitable that all users eventually experience, like battery wear? I’m sure that some of you have rocked an …
iPhone 12 pro与iPhone 12 pro Max的区别有哪些? - 知乎
iPhone 12 Pro 官方给出的视频播放续航时间只有17小时;iPhone 12 Pro Max 官方给出的视频播放续航时间可达20小时。 在选择上,如果你平时单手操作比较多,而且对拍照摄影要求不是很高,那么选择iPhone 12 Pro会比较合适的。
Review: Four Months With the iPhone 16 Pro Max
Apr 12, 2001 · Four months have passed since Apple released the iPhone 16 lineup. MacRumors videographer Dan Barbera has been using an iPhone 16 Pro Max since launch, and over on our YouTube channel, he did a multi-month review to provide his thoughts on durability, battery life, Camera Control, and other...