reproduced in any form, either wholly or in part, without the written consent of Prysmian. The information is believed to be correct at the time of issue. Prysmian reserves the right to amend this specification without prior notice. This specification is not contractually valid unless specifically authorized by Prysmian. DE10_E06A_20250310 P 3
By choosing Prysmian, you are not only selecting high-quality products but also contributing to a greener future. Check for more details about our sustainability commitment here: Sustainability: report and responsibility.
By choosing Prysmian, you are not only selecting high-quality products but also contributing to a greener future. Check for more details about our sustainability commitment here: Sustainability: report and responsibility.
Prysmian’s ezDISTRIBUTION cable family packages up to 144 color-coded 900 μm tight buffered fibers into a single flame retardant cable. This cable design is available in both riser rated and plenum rated versions for deployment in any inside plant fire-code application. The UV-resistant outer jacket, coupled with dry waterblocking technology,
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By choosing Prysmian, you are not only selecting high-quality products but also contributing to a greener future. Check for more details about our sustainability commitment here: Sustainability: report and responsibility.
Specifications are for products supplied by Prysmian: any modification or alteration of products may give different results. The information contained within this document must not be copied, reprinted or reproduced in any form, either wholly or in part, without the written consent of Prysmian. The information is correct to the best of our ...
Fibre Optic Cables | Prysmian Group
Prysmian’s ezLINK™ Transit /LSZH dry loose tube designs provide flame-rated network solutions for a diverse number of network applications. These cables combine a robust, flame retardant LSZH jacket material, flexible dry buffer tubes & swellable water blocking availble with single-mode and multimode optical fibers.