Shengxi Huang is an associate professor of electrical and computer engineering and materials science and nanoengineering at Rice University, and corresponding author on a study published in Science ...
Researchers at UC Irvine have created a soft, conformable implant that measures neurological signals in patients’ developing brains. Seen here on the wing of a butterfly, this invention uses an ...
Stennis Space Center Oceanographers received NASA Letters of Achievement for their collaboration with NASA’s Sub-Mesoscale Ocean Dynamics Experiment (S-MODE). NRL and NAVO provided the NASA science ...
Researchers found that if a CIO boosts collaboration between IT and business staff so they better understand each other’s domains, they can more effectively align IT with overall business objectives.
Klein, in his lab at JILA, opening the part of the system that upconverts pulsed light from an infrared laser into extreme ultraviolet light through a process known as high harmonic generation.
Active galaxy 1ES 1927+654, circled, has exhibited extraordinary changes since 2018, when a major outburst occurred in visible, ultraviolet, and X-ray light. The galaxy harbors a central black hole ...
In this artist’s concept, matter is stripped from a white dwarf (sphere at lower right) orbiting within the innermost accretion disk surrounding 1ES 1927+654’s supermassive black hole. Astronomers ...
A phase 1 clinical trial co-led by researchers at WashU Medicine found that a new type of cell-based immunotherapy was safe for patients with several types of B-cell lymphoma, a type of blood cancer.
A scientist carrying supplements—like UDCA—climbs a ladder toward a liver containing a bile acid-surrounded tumor.
A new UCLA-developed cooling device made of six thin layers of nanotube-coated polymer films about one-quarter of an-inch thick.
The device’s polymer films expand and contract like an accordion to pump heat away from a source, cooling it by about 16 degrees Fahrenheit.
Treatment with bioavailable small-molecule pharmacochaperones targeting the visual receptor rhodopsin offers a promising approach to prevent retinal photoreceptor degeneration caused by inherited ...