Laurence Tubiana & Ana Toni explain how to build a broad-based consensus for policies that accelerate the green transition.
Mario Draghi’s much-anticipated report for European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen calls for Europe to invest 5% ...
Carme Artigas & James Manyika outline steps policymakers can take to ensure that the benefits of emerging applications are ...
Carl Bildt argues that while neither side can attain victory, peace remains plausible if certain conditions are met.
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After a decades-long love affair with laissez-faire policies, many governments – notably in developed countries – are ...
Marcelo Mena & Sarah Ann Smith urge China and the United States to take the lead in committing to cut emissions from super ...
Longer Reads provide in-depth analysis of the ideas and forces shaping politics, economics, international affairs, and more.
Robert Skidelsky makes the case that policymakers should focus on stimulating economic growth rather than on budget cuts.
Bogolo Kenewendo propose ways to unlock more public and private capital for investments in preserving and restoring the ...
Marques & Kevin P. Gallagher call for reforms to make the IMF and the World Bank larger, more equitable, and less focused on ...
Zhang Jun explains why the government insists on combining efforts to expand domestic demand with supply-side reforms.