Firefighters received 25% increase for combat during September’s nightmare week; Government announces “symbolic repayment” ...
Are you considering moving to Portugal/Algarve? Maybe permanently, sometime in the future, part-time or maybe looking at setting up a business here? Our Free Seminars offer you a unique opportunity to ...
Thousands demonstrate in various parts of country for “a house to live in”; Fourth demo in space of year shows housing crisis ...
Portugal and Spain have agreed to set minimum daily flows for the Tejo river, and “for the the first time” to establish the ...
Biometric data collection of non-Schengen citizens at airports opens new can of worms; President of Portuguese Tourism ...
Portugal’s new Attorney General chosen by AD government; Amadeu Guerra takes up post following prestigious 40-year career ...
Such were the joys of playtime yesteryear. || [email protected] Roberto Cavaleiro first came to Portugal in 1982, ...
Some say that pigs can fly. The Flying Squad were police. Police are pigs. Therefore, pigs can fly. This dysfunctional form ...
People have the fundamental right to say goodbye to this world in a clean and dignified way." - Pedro Almodóvar ...
Marcelo “denies” trying to influence choice of candidates ; Expresso claims Marcelo “ready to do everything” to thwart ...
Yesterday’s Council of Ministers saw diplomas approved increasing penalties for aggressions towards all kinds of public ...
The name of the new Attorney General is expected to be announced today. The choice will be first communicated by prime ...