Ethiopias capital city is undergoing a transformation. Addis Ababa is being redeveloped as part of Ethiopias broader economic ...
Zewditu 'Z' Dullo was a single-mom merchant in her native Addis Ababa who came to Nashville to make a better life for herself ...
Afyare Abdi Elmi, a Mogadishu-based professor of international affairs, told VOA that recent Egyptian military cooperation ...
From Addis Ababa last week, TIME Correspondent James Bell cabled: "His face as sadly impassive as that of a Byzantine saint. His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I rose from ...
Ethiopia had signed an MoU with Somaliland which grants it 20 kilometers of access to the Red Sea in exchange for recognition ...
Taye Atske, Ethiopia's Foreign Affairs minister, said the allegations by Somalia are unfounded adding that Somalia is ...
In 1960, 18 African nations gained independence from colonial rule, marking what came to be known as the “Year of Africa.” Among the newly sovereign states was Mali, which declared its independence ...
Tens of thousands of people gathered Thursday in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, to celebrate Meskel, a major religious festival that includes ...
The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) announced on Tuesday that it had arrested Christian Ogbuji at Murtala ...
Somalia's prime minister on Friday accused Ethiopia of actions that "flagrantly violate" Somalia's territorial integrity ...
Ethiopia's ban on fuel-powered cars and motorcycles has created a competitive advantage for electric vehicles.