The Voting Rights Act's legacy is under threat. Maryland's proposed Voting Rights Act could protect fair representation and ...
On the 60th anniversary of Lyndon Johnson’s voting rights speech, we are reminded how government can address concerns with ...
President Lyndon B. Johnson addresses a joint session of Congress to urge the passage of legislation guaranteeing voting ...
Every US President seems to have their own unique food quirks. For Lyndon B. Johnson, it was all about sticking to his Texan ...
What do you know about Head Start? Head Start is a federally funded program that emerged from President Lyndon B.Johnson’s War on Poverty in 1965. Head Start is a federally funded program providing ...
Like other federal parks across the nation, the Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park in Stonewall and Johnson City ...
Horseshoe Bay Resort, nestled along the shores of Lake Lyndon B. Johnson (Lake LBJ) in the picturesque Texas Hill Country, ...
Named for its co-founder Claudia Alta "Lady Bird" Johnson (wife of President Lyndon B. Johnson), the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center is the place to visit if you're a flower enthusiast.
Virginia Beach Mayor Bobby Dyer is set to give the State of the City address Wednesday afternoon. The address will take place ...