attracting animals that eat the fruit and spread its seeds. While Rosengreen says someone could grow a corpseflower in their home if they wanted to — “you’ve got to keep it warm and ...
The corpseflower at the California Academy of Sciences ... to ten years for the plant to bloom from the time it starts as a seed. The team at the Academy have been watching over it closely ...
Would a plant by any other name stink so bad? An extremely rare corpseflower dramatically bloomed at the Brooklyn Botanical Garden Friday for the first time in Big Apple history — unleashing a ...
Tall, pointed and smelly, the corpseflower is scientifically known as amorphophallus titanum — or bunga bangkai in Indonesia, where the plants are found in the Sumatran rainforest. But to fans ...
It was supposed to begin its six-hour bloom Thursday at about 4 p.m., according to predication by Brian O’Brien, a Gustavus Adolphus College chemistry professor who acquired seeds for the St. Peter, ...