The New World Order (NWO) is a recurring topic in conspiracy theories and geopolitical speculations. Many of these legends ...
Lithuania celebrated today the 35th anniversary of its restored independence from the Soviet Union, initially declared on ...
The European Union is drafting its largest defense initiative since the Cold War, with plans to invest hundreds of billions ...
Polina Denisovna Osipenko (1907–1939) was a Soviet pilot and one of the first women to receive the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for her achievements in aviation.
Lithuania celebrated today the 35th anniversary of its restored independence from the Soviet Union, initially declared on March 11, 1990. The celebration was marked by a strong sense of national pride ...
Průzkumná verze: Na rozdíl od původního Su-24 byl Su-24MR navržen bez útočných zbraní, optimalizovaný pro sběr informací o ...
Η Νέα Παγκόσμια Τάξη (ΝΠΤ) είναι ένα επαναλαμβανόμενο θέμα στις θεωρίες συνωμοσίας και στις γεωπολιτικές εικασίες. Πολλοί από ...
Il Nuovo Ordine Mondiale (NOM) è un tema ricorrente nelle teorie del complotto e nelle speculazioni geopolitiche. Molte di ...
De Nieuwe Wereldorde (NWO) is een terugkerend onderwerp in complottheorieën en geopolitieke speculaties. Veel van deze ...
Stryker adalah kendaraan tempur lapis baja beroda 8 yang digunakan oleh Angkatan Darat Amerika Serikat, dirancang untuk ...