In mid-July, a blade from an offshore wind turbine operating 15 miles southwest of Nantucket fractured. A large amount of ...
From January 2021 onward, the Biden White House systemically set about dismantling border controls. President Biden rolled ...
This is a useful lens through which to view the current immigration debate. For several weeks, two migrant-related stories ...
For years, price controls were thought to be a hoary relic of the past. Politicians’ recent touting of “price gouging” laws, ...
Algorithms dominate our lives because commerce dominates our lives. Competitive companies have a strong economic incentive to ...
We are regulating parents to the point they either don't want children or don't want more children. Example: You can't put 3 ...
The former Italian prime minister's report is a needed wake-up call, but his prescription—more government spending—can only ...
The Temporary Foreign Worker Program has undercut the nation’s domestic workforce. Mass immigration has caused a backlash ...
But orphan wells are a problem, too, not just an opportunity. “It’s basically a Herculean task that they’re biting off a bit ...
Recent U.S. antitrust actions against the newly ascendant tech company only serve Beijing’s geopolitical goals.
To establish a coherent framework of digital rights, we need to understand the nature of the modern platform economy. What, ...
The Dems are encouraging a political assassination. The Dems are encouraging a political assassination which could now easily ...