Also Read: Govt Starts Process of Transferring Amboseli Park Speaking in Narok ... set a negative precedent and erode trust with development partners, “The risk of its loss is excessive.
Her charity, the Amboseli Elephant Trust, has remarkably identified and named almost all 1,500 elephants in the Amboseli Ecosystem in Kenya. The first family we started trying to follow were ...
ElephantVoices, Big Life Foundation and the Amboseli Trust for Elephants, released a statement appealing for “an end to elephant trophy hunting in the Enduimet Area of Tanzania”.
having been studied by the Amboseli Trust for Elephants since the early 1970’s. While elephant numbers have plummeted across much of Africa, community-focused conservation efforts in the ...
In 1971, Stuart Altmann and Jeanne Altmann began full-time continuous monitoring of the Amboseli baboon population (see History). Stuart was the senior scientist for the first decade. He played a ...
Amboseli Elephant Trust (AET) currently has a membership of 20 conservancies covering approximately 394,834 acres of land and supporting 65,881 households and close to 500 community rangers under ...
Furthermore, national parks are public land held in trust by the national government for Kenyans. Handing Amboseli to the Kajiado County Government implies downgrading the national park to a ...